Connecting Wixie to an LTI 1.3 LMS

Many LMS services use Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) as a way to link external tools to the LMS. This page provides instructions for using LTI 1.3 to create a connection to Wixie.

Adding Wixie to Canvas

Adding Wixie to Schoology

If these instrucitons do not match the service you are using, try Googling "setting up an LTI tool in ... ".

Creating a Developer Key for Wixie

In your LMS

As an administrator for the LMS service, go to the Admin view.

Choose Developer Keys

Choose the option to add a key

If asked, choose to add an LTI key

Use the following information to configure the Developer Key:

Name: Wixie

Description: Students share their ideas, imagination, and understanding through their writing, their voice, and their art.

Domain: https://[YOUR DOMAIN]

Privacy Level: Public

Login Initiation URL: https://[YOUR

Redirect URL: https://[YOUR DOMAIN]

Target Link URL: https://[YOUR DOMAIN]

Public JWK: { "kty": "RSA", "n": "5o9UqL3PIRDAUMTeT88fUwRBUGhylZgwCPkbW6b2Wu_H4PYZ_Cf39YavdFnlkT5TzplRRxPKAbruigMsoxG3Gx1FXJD1oMHfA4G-ppA-wCljOoK7ERN7OQEue1Yn6cwOwM2aNsrhd_GuqRrT1FgDj4Y3fDpsy2qo2trHfyAsR2i3ksfBVpbvt2gWhznl1r7oo_AFO6_u_D5Pq9YSAEfH5PoIXJbSUJc6V0-tQ5fZ-NYJp8n4UZ5gk_G51QzHO0O9fD2isKXtyhK8WaxRgk4iktMWVI4u-1JTbMDn1XhlG2aCSWVnX_13aSIIC-DLpt8ra55sLAptyLQX6k14oMettw", "e": "AQAB", "alg": "RS256", "use": "sig", "kid": "madeup" }

Public JWK URL: https://[YOUR DOMAIN]

LTI Extensions: Link Selection (ltiResourceLinkRequest), Assignment Selection (ltiDeepLinkingRequest)

Click Save

At the Developer Keys page, copy the Client ID.

In Wixie

Log in to your Wixie administrator account

Click the Accounts button

Click the LTI 1.3 check box

In the LTI 1.3 area, enter the Platform ID for your LMS. This is likely your domain at the LMS.

Click the Client ID field and paste the copied Developer Key

Enter the Authorization URL from your LMS

Enter the Public Keyset URL from your LMS

Enter the Access Token URL from your LMS

Adding Wixie as an App

In your LMS, go to the Admin view

Choose Settings

Choose Apps

Choose to add an app

Select Client ID as the way to configure the App

Paste the Wixie Developer Key into the Client ID field

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