What can you do with Wixie? Just about anything!

In classrooms around the country, teachers are finding and sharing creative ways to integrate technology into their classroom curriculum using Wixie.

We have collected a range of samples you can use to find your own inspiration in the ideas they are sharing. Share your own ideas using the hashtag #wixie on Twitter!

Check out Twitter to find the most recent ideas being shared.

Weather Reports

Creepy Crayon Animations

Letter Books

Geography Presentations

Stop Motion Art

Early Learning Foundations

Number Sentences

What do the Seasons Look Like?

Favorite Memory

Explaining Composite Shapes

Designing New Forms of Transportation

Bedroom Design and Area

Publishing Books

Rock Cycle Comics

Number Sense

Digital Writing

Math Manipulatives

Life Cycle Animations


Collaborative Design and Play

Students are using Wixie to bring their words, their voice, and their art to the curriculum.

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