Engage students in Women's History Month with digital project work

Use these examples of projects created by students to inspire your digital project work connected to Women's History Month.

Creative use of tools like Wixie engages students in the curriculum and builds essential skills for the digital age.

Inform others with an ABC book

Have your class create an ABC book to showcase their learning and raise awareness about women's history. Students can create entire ABC books on their own, or have each student create a single page and combine into a class book.

Raise awareness of women's history

Students raise awareness of the contributions of women today, or in history, by researching, designing, and publishing trading cards about their work.

Celebrate poetry written by women

Create visual versions of your favorite poems written by women or use them to inspire your own poem using a "blackout" method. Host a poetry night where you present and read them aloud.

Create timelines to share knowledge

Students conduct research about an important woman in history (or science, math, medicine, politics...) and share information about their life in a timeline.

Publish a historical newsletter

To help students better understand the perspectives of those in different times and cultures, have them develop newsletters that recall and retell historic events.

Students are using Wixie to bring their words, their voice, and their art to the curriculum.

Kara Walker Inspired Art

Animal Art Insprired by Maria Prymachenko

Thank You Cards

Informative Trading Cards

Biographical Timelines

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