Use Public Service Announcements for authentic writing projects

Ask students to create public service announcements to raise awareness, change behavior, and improve our world. These real world products are great authentic tasks for argument, informative, and persuasive writing.

Wixie provides the perfect digital canvas for students to create public service announcements. Students can use Wixie to combine text, images, and voice narration to share their passions and change the world.

Raise Awareness and Change Behavior

Ask students to create public service announcements to educate people about an issue they are passionate about.

Promote Health

Have students create public service announcements to educate people about common health concerns.

Promote safety at Halloween

Have students create public service announcements to promote safe behaviors during Halloween and trick-or-treating.


Students create a presentation to educate people about a real world problem.

Take a cartoon approach

Having students showcase their ideas using comics and cartoons to make learning relevant and fun!

Students are using Wixie to bring their words, their voice, and their art to the curriculum.

Positive Change

Community Posters

Internet Safety PSAs

Save the Trees

Fire Safety

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