Use these examples of projects created by students to inspire technology integration in your classroom.
Whether you have Chromebooks, iPads, PCs, or Macs in your classroom, you can use technology to engage and inspire your students in the curriculum.
Students learn to write using alliteration. Students learn to create illustrations that support and reflect their writing.
Students interview dinosaurs to demonstrate knowledge of animal characteristics, diet, and more.
Use sentence stems based on favorite pattern stories to have students author their own adaptations of the books they are reading.
A page from a pre-school ABC book. Wixie gives students a voice to demonstrate early literacy skills that is engaging and meaningful.
Wixie ABC Book template (full alphabet)
YYou can find templates for each letter in Curriculum Activities > Language Arts > Reading > Alphabetic Principle
Students can use Wixie's mind mapping tools to brainstorm ideas and organize information. Combining text, visuals and connections in mind maps helps students show how ideas relate to one another.
Students practice counting through the creation of a Halloween (or any holiday!) counting book.
Students categorize objects in their environment into basic shapes.
Students practice making patterns and then record narration explaining their pattern.
Click the play button to listen to the student explain their pattern.
We're still reminiscing over how exciting Belonging Day was! Check out our kindergarteners using Wixie to create compliment cards for family, friends, and staff! #YouBelong #YouMatter
— Elkridge ES (@hcpss_ees) March 27, 2022
Meteorologist in training researched and wrote about storms in Spanish, revised their work and are now finalizing their flyer using #Wixie @LakeAnneES #dolphinpride @Tech4Learning
— LAES_Sra. Bachelet (@LAES_2ndGrade) February 10, 2022
??The students had lots of fun using Wixie today during Science. We learned about how we use water in our daily lives, then drew a picture of one way that we use water. ??@HaymarketCubs #hmeskinder
— KinderHicks (@HicksKinder) November 4, 2021
Prek Student in Wicomico County used Wixie to create a snowman by ordering the snowballs and buttons from biggest to smallest. Then they added a face and hat. Super cute! #wixie @Tech4Learning
— mrscushman (@mrscushman) January 28, 2022
Another cute video my students made in Wixie about the life cycle of a butterfly. I love the speech bubbles ?? @LowesIslandElem #spottedatlow #wixie
— Emily Meadows (@LcpsMeadows) May 8, 2021
Kindergarten students using Wixie to identify the characters and setting of a story at BMP Ridge Street School @BlindBrookUFSD @Tech4Learning
— BlindBrookTechnology (@BlindBrookTech) February 28, 2022
KG Ss identify coins and count money in #Wixie @Tech4Learning @ColesRoadrunner @Coles_Fletcher @TreadwellMrs
— Mrs. Martin (@ITCColes) February 9, 2022
These first graders in @1wFirst researched animals, planned in #wixie and created habitats using our maker space materials and finally they went for a gallery �stroll� to learn about the animals. @MrsPeters_APS @APSVirginia
— Innovation Elementary (@Innovation_APS) March 25, 2022
First graders sharing how they are Ethical and Global Citizens using Wixie to type an example of when they showed kindness or helped the community�and take a selfie! @Tech4Learning #FCPSPoG #LTESLions
— London Towne ES FCPS (@LondonTowneFCPS) December 3, 2021
We had so much fun designing our bedroom using #wixie. How many shapes can you spot??????????? @Tech4Learning @HaymarketCubs #haymarkettogether #hmesfirsties
— Mrs. Norman (@LinsNorman) December 10, 2021
Interviewing Animals w/ Wixie! ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
— Ted Beltz (@TedBeltz) February 21, 2020
Second graders are reading differentiated texts on Literacy Footprints and then writing and illustrating their connections on Wixie. So much purposeful technology and the kids are SO engaged! ??
— Ms. Kurtz (@MsKurtzSBTS) February 18, 2022
2nd grade Ss review odd/even numbers and apply the UPSC method to solve word problems in #Wixie @DonnaStofko @DianeHarazin @TreadwellMrs @ColesRoadrunner
— Mrs. Martin (@ITCColes) February 9, 2022
Kindergarten students in Ms. Johnson's class are using Wixie to publish their non-fiction writing about zoo animals ???????? @Tech4Learning @BlindBrookUFSD
— BlindBrookTechnology (@BlindBrookTech) March 23, 2022
1st graders are learning how technology can affect our feelings in both good and bad ways and how to respond to these emotions. Continuing to become pros at Wixie to showcase our thinking in a digital format!
— Mrs. Katie DiPalma (@KatieDipalma) January 4, 2022
1st graders use #Wixie to write about American symbols @Tech4Learning @ColesRoadrunner @TreadwellMrs
— Mrs. Martin (@ITCColes) February 15, 2022
KDGers are studying chicks. Using #Wixie they are creating the life cycle of a chicken. This chick wanted to join the Wixie fun! #ForestHills101 #WSD101 @Tech4Learning
— Beth Tortorello (@FHTechTeacher) April 29, 2021
Kinders @elmwoodes demonstrate their understanding of subtracting by �1� using Wixie and whiteboards. @Jeffrey_hogan @MrsRode @BCPSMATH
— Rita Phillips (@RitaPhillips85) December 14, 2021
So excited to work with Mrs. @hlwalnock 1st graders on their plant lesson. Ss used Wixie to label, create, and add their voice as a reflection. @BeechTreeElem students are so great. #Wixie #edtech #beechtreefamily @Tech4Learning
— Mike Meyer (@mikemeyeredu) March 22, 2022
K students use their research notes in order to create "Animal Habitat" Wixie projects! #ELA @BCPSODL @missyfanshaw
— Terry Guth (@tcguth) March 9, 2015
Kinders using Wixie to solve & create addition problems. We had lots of mini-experts and helpers! Thanks @dawnsayre
— WillowCreekLRC (@WillowCreekLRC) January 27, 2015
Hands on seasons chart followed by Wixie season sort. #bcps#kindergarten#wixie
— Michele Gugliotta (@MichelelGugliot) March 11, 2015
2nd grade creating Famous African Americans WIXIE projects @DDance_BCPS @Terry_McVey
— Hillcrest Elementary (@Hillcrest_BCPS) February 5, 2015
1st gr. illustrators used artistic elements to create a Wixie page for Pigeon's next adventure. @The_Pigeon @MsSudia
— Diane Fontinell (@Halstead_LMS) January 7, 2015