Wixie Ideas for Halloween

Use these examples of projects created by students and tweets from classroom teachers to inspire your Halloween-themed classroom activities.

Creative use of tools like Wixie engages students in the curriculum and builds essential skills for the digital age.

Use a Halloween Template

Search your Wixie home page for "Halloween" to find templates and activities you can use to build mouse skills, number sense, and word-building foundations.

13 Days of Halloween

Students practice counting through the creation of a Halloween (or any holiday!) counting book.

Create Halloween Safety PSAs

Have students create public service announcements to promote safe behaviors during Halloween and trick-or-treating.

Create Spooky Scenes

After learning about silhouettes, students combine silhouettes they have created with Halloween backgrounds to create spooky scenes.

Scary Counting

Use student excitement about Halloween to get them to practice essential math skills, like this Scary Count activity in Wixie's Templates library.

Writing Poetry

Students activate facts along with prior knowledge and experience to share what they learned by writing a five sense poem.

Click the play button to listen to the student read the poem.

Fun Writing Projects

Capitalize on student excitement about this fun holiday with Halloween-themed writing projects that engage them in narrative, informational, and argument writing.

Give students choice

Use this choice board to put students in charge of how they will demonstrate learning near the Halloween holiday.

Students are using Wixie to bring their words, their voice, and their art to the curriculum.


Pumpkin Life Cycle

Counting Books

Creating Memories

Opinion Writing


Give Your Teacher a Costume

Descriptive Writing

Bat Books

Shape Monsters


Spooky Story Problems

Pumpkin Poetry

Scary Folk Tales

Pumpkin Similes

Sorting Activities


Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

Pumpkin Similes

Autumn Writing

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