Use these examples of projects created by students and tweets from classroom teachers to inspire your Halloween-themed classroom activities.
Creative use of tools like Wixie engages students in the curriculum and builds essential skills for the digital age.
Search your Wixie home page for "Halloween" to find templates and activities you can use to build mouse skills, number sense, and word-building foundations.
Students practice counting through the creation of a Halloween (or any holiday!) counting book.
Have students create public service announcements to promote safe behaviors during Halloween and trick-or-treating.
After learning about silhouettes, students combine silhouettes they have created with Halloween backgrounds to create spooky scenes.
Use student excitement about Halloween to get them to practice essential math skills, like this Scary Count activity in Wixie's Templates library.
Students activate facts along with prior knowledge and experience to share what they learned by writing a five sense poem.
Click the play button to listen to the student read the poem.
Capitalize on student excitement about this fun holiday with Halloween-themed writing projects that engage them in narrative, informational, and argument writing.
Use this choice board to put students in charge of how they will demonstrate learning near the Halloween holiday.
Prek3 and Prek4 students created Shape-o-Lanterns in Wixie. They had fun identifying shapes and creating a pumpkin. #wixie @Tech4Learning
— mrscushman (@mrscushman) October 20, 2021
Some pumpkin life cycle work today. We used @Tech4Learning wixie to help us with out @kindersmorgie pumpkin research notebook. @DebbieJ_111 @HaymarketCubs #hmeskinder
— Rebecca Wisnieski (@MsWisnieski) October 8, 2021
Working on �The 13 Days of Halloween Book�. The KDG Ss love being able to choose their own images. #wixie @Tech4Learning #ForestHills101 #studentchoice
— Beth Tortorello (@FHTechTeacher) October 22, 2020
Aren't these the cutest little @RidgeECC ?? you've ever ??? ?? collaborating with @MrsAmanda7 to use @AppleEDU Keynote instant alpha & @Tech4Learning Wixie to piece this memory together! Thank you @ms_dambrosio125 for the idea! @ForestRidge142 #chasingextraordinary
— Noelle Horbaczewski (@nhorbaczewski1) October 15, 2020
We used Wixie to write an opinion piece about the best Halloween candy. What�s your favorite? @CopperHillES #frsd
— Jeff Moore (@MooreClassroom) October 30, 2019
Art teacher is out sick...Ms. Ross is filling in but she is NOT an artist?? do #wixie! These second graders had a blast making their own pumpkins and writing a story about it!:) Not bad for an emergency lesson!?? @ScottLoomis @Tech4Learning #wixieforthewin
— Ms.Ross_CHES (@MsRoss_CHES) October 31, 2019
It's always fun letting your Ss use Wixie to dress you up for Halloween! #SESSharks #WeAreVBSchools @2ndgrade @GantyMc
— Pennie Sue McGanty (@SuePennie) October 31, 2018
Using Wixie to make and describe Halloween Monsters using descriptive language with Ms. Polesino's Grade 1 class.
— Sean Regan (@Regan_PPS) December 23, 2016
Mrs. Tan�s 1st grade w/ Uptmor researched bats ??. Created book @Tech4Learning include facts, illustrations, voice recording @stmeshouston
— Gerjuan A Gregory (@gerjuangregory) October 26, 2017
Creating monsters using shapes on Wixie ???? #EtterKinder
— Erin Etter (@erinetter) October 30, 2017
Using Wixie to practice cursive writing w/ @MicheleneKesne1 and print in 3D 4 Halloween!@cfescolts #epicyear #vbits
— abdoss (@abdoss) October 27, 2016
Creating story problems in Wixie! Spooky! ??
— Mrs. Crump (@MrsCrumpCWES) October 12, 2018
#SharonStrong 1st graders recording our Pumpkin Picking Poems on #Wixie
— Kim Tate (@ktatehorizons) October 11, 2018
Students using Wixie to create their own version of a scary folktale. #wixieiswonderful
— DES Media Magic (@VerlichMj) October 12, 2017
2nd graders created and recorded their pumpkin themed similes in Wixie! @mrtomizawa @mrsdmarceau #EdgewoodProud
— Edgewood Library (@MrsTurner0716) October 20, 2017
First grade having fun with Wixie Halloween sort and Pumpkin decorating! @HumbleISD_TE #TEInspires
— Laura Frey (@TimbersTech) October 31, 2018
Love the creativity our our students when given a little WIXIE knowledge! 2nd graders make AWESOME Halloween video stories!
— Colleen Zimmerman (@cozimm) October 11, 2018
Pumpkin sequencing on Wixie today. What happens to a seed first?
— PL Kindergarten (@PLKids123) October 12, 2018
2nd graders created and recorded their pumpkin themed similes in Wixie! @mrtomizawa @mrsdmarceau #EdgewoodProud
— Edgewood Library (@MrsTurner0716) October 20, 2017
More apps smashing with Gr1 using @Tech4Learning #wixie and @Seesaw. Ss love descriptive writing about Halloween and Autumn! @DianeAdamson6
— jason niehoff (@NiehoffJason) October 13, 2016