Use creative technology tools to create illustrations, diagrams, reports, public service announcements, infographics and other performance tasks to engage students in deep thinking about Earth Science topics.
Wixie is the perfect digital canvas for students studying Earth Science. Students can use Wixie to combine text, images, and voice narration to explain their thinking and design real world solutions.
Students create an infographic to share knowledge and data about an issue or topic they are studying.
Students create an diagram to share knowledge and data about an Earth Science issue or topic.
Having students showcase their ideas using comics to make learning relevant and fun!
Have students create their own informational text including headings, a table of contents, captions, and labeling to find information. Publish their work as a great collection of nonfiction at just the right reading level for your students.
What do you think the center of the earth looks like? Ss used #wixie to describe their thinking! @Tech4Learning @oakhilles
— Pamela Bennett (@Bennettoakhill) September 29, 2019
3rd graders completed the Wicked Weather Unit! Ss used online databases to research a type of severe weather. After researching, Ss used #Wixie to create an emergency plan to stay safe during severe weather events! ?????? #bcpslms
— Woodmoor Elementary Library (@WoodmoorLibrary) March 17, 2022
Students @SunsetAACPS created presentations on Wixie to explain how the spheres of the Earth interact with one another! @aacpsoit thank you for teaching us how to integrate technology into our classrooms! The students love it & so do we!!!
— Charity Crawford (@MsCLCrawford) February 27, 2019
"We love drawing tools in #Wixie to show what we know about volcanoes". @Tech4Learning #BVSD
— Michelle Eckstein (@mdeckstein) September 28, 2016
Miss Bard�s 2nd grade students create extreme weather pictures using Wixie.
— Belle View ES (@BelleViewES) March 26, 2019
Brainstorming different kinds of weather using Wixie! Kindergarteners can do anything!!! @HillsmereESAACP #Wixiehelpsuswrite #techgurus
— Mrs. Flor's Class (@egon2nd) April 6, 2018
Modeling tectonic plate boundaries with Wixie. #FlemRarSchools #tech4learning @patflavin1007
— MrsMooreFRSD (@MrsMooreFRSD) January 24, 2018
2nd graders using Wixie to show their understanding of weathering and erosion. #ILESSoars
— Elizabeth Lewis (@EALewis2016) February 1, 2018
Working hard on our weather forecasts in Wixie!
— Kim Winingear (@kewining) October 11, 2018