Purposeful design projects

Ideas for giving students purposeful design problems and examples of student work that results.

Creative use of digital tools can engage students and help you integrate your iPads, PCs, or Chromebooks into the curriculum.

Design to solve a problem

Asking students to invent something to solve a problem is a great way to teach the design process and engage students in powerful work in your maker space or time.

Design to share experience and expertise

Ask students to design something that helps others benefit from this expertise.

Design to deepen understanding

Students apply what they have learned about animal characteristics and adaptation to create a new creature and introduce it to the scientific community.

Design to teach others

Teaching others is the best way to learn content and designing tutorials provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge while helping their peers.

Design to raise awareness

Put students in charge of informing others about important issues such as safety and digital citizenship.

Design to change behavior

Combine narrative, informational, and argument writing to get others to take action or change their behavior.

Design Animal Masks

Design Newsletters

Design Grammar Tutorials

embed code

Design Plant Posters

Design Circuits

Design to inform

Design to keep safe

Design to promote conservation

Design to honor

Design to show we care

Design to inform

Design in response to literature

Students are using Wixie to bring their words, their voice, and their art to the curriculum.

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