Project ideas for exploring ancient civilizations

Use these examples of projects created by students along with corresponding lessons and templates to inspire technology project work as your learners explore ancient civilizations.

Creative use of technology can engage students, and help you integrate your iPads, PCs, or Chromebooks into the curriculum. These digital projects were created by students using Wixie.

Historical Newspaper

To help students better understand the perspectives of those living in civilizations during ancient times, have them develop newsletters that recall and retell historic events.

Travel Brochures

Practice informational writing with a real world twist, by asking students to create promotional materials for a vacation to an ancient civilization.

Journey Journals

Students connect with the past as they write a first-person account of events in history.

wixie journal entry from ancient rome

Modern Myths

To help students better understand ancient Greek themes, have them create modern versions of Ancient Greek myths.

Ancient Newscast

Have students create a newscast from an ancient civilization? What would they find newsworthy?


Students can create digital debates to compare two cultures.

Gods and Goddesses

In this project, students created a persuasive presentation to raise money to build at temple for the Greek God Helios.

Purposeful Postcards

Students create postcards to share what they experience when visiting an ancient civilization.

Give students choice

Use this choice board to put students in charge of how they will demonstrate their learning.

Students are using Wixie to bring their words, their voice, and their art to the curriculum.

Ancient Greece Templates

Ancient Civilization Postcards

Comparing Ancient Civilizations

Card Games

Mythological Creature Trading Cards

Greek Tragedies

Museum Displays


Peer Teaching

Persuasive Brochures

Ancient China Museum Designs

Trading Cards

Learning Artifacts

Interviews with Ancient Egyptians

Middle School Social Studies Guide for Wixie

Using Wixie in Middle School Social Studies

Project ideas, templates, and lessons to support student's as they explore their world and share their learning.

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